Eng artikel. Kort svensk summering. Din stålfjädermadrass tros kunna vara en cancerframkallande strålningsmottagare!
Olika studier visar på de möjliga sambanden mellan radiostrålning och förekomsten av cancer. Forskarna ser ett samband mellan sängar med spiralfjädrar och mottagligheten för radiostrålning i dessa konstruktioner.
Man ser även en skillnad i länder som Japan, där stålfjäder sängar är ovanliga och där ser man även en lägre frekvens av samma typ av cancer än i västvärlden.
Your Mattress Could be Acting as a Cancer-Causing Radiation Antenna
The rate of breast cancer in Western countries is 10 percent higher in the left breast than in the right. This also is true for the skin cancer melanoma.
Researchers have suggested a surprising explanation for this — and for the dramatic increase in rates of breast cancer and melanoma over the past three decades.
In Japan, there is no correlation between the rates of melanoma and breast cancer, and there is no left-side prevalence for either disease. The rate of breast cancer in Japan is also significantly lower than in the West.
This may be due to differences in sleeping habits in Japan and Western countries. Previous research has shown that people prefer to sleep on their right sides, possibly as a way of reducing weight stress on the heart.
This is most likely the same in both the East and the West, but the futons used for sleeping in Japan are mattresses placed directly on the bedroom floor, in contrast to the elevated box springs and mattress of beds used in the West.
According to Scientific American:
“... [A] 2007 study in Sweden conducted between 1989 and 1993 … revealed a strong link between the incidence of melanoma and the number of FM and TV transmission towers covering the area where the individuals lived …
Consider, however, that even a TV set cannot respond to broadcast transmissions unless the weak electromagnetic waves are captured and amplified by an appropriately designed antenna. Antennas are simply metal objects of appropriate length sized to match the wavelength of a specific frequency of electromagnetic radiation.”
In the U.S., bed frames and box springs are made of metal, and the length of a bed is exactly half the wavelength of FM and TV transmissions. The maximum strength of the field develops 75 centimeters above the mattress, so when sleeping on your right side, your left side will be exposed to the highest field strength.
Scientific American July 2, 2010 Sleep on the right side-Get cancer on the left? Pathophysiology June 2010;17(3):157-160 Bed types and cancer incidence June 2010; 17(3):161