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Engelsk artikel. En vetenskapligt granskad artikel, som klart och tydligt visar att amalgam inte på något sätt är säkert och ger skador på exempelvis nervsystemet och dess utveckling
“kvicksilver exponering ändrar antalet celler och celldelningen, dess inverkan ger negativa bieffekter på utvecklingen neuroner” Bifogad PDF med original artikel nedan
Dear Everyone,
In yet another peer-reviewed study (the third in about a month), “Is Dental Amalgam Safe For Humans? The Opinion of the Scientific Committee of the European Commission” published in the Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2011, 6:2 by Dr. Joachim Mutter of the Department of Environmental and Intigerative Medicine, describes a significant link between Thimerosal (mercury) and autism (attached to this email saved as Is Dental Amalgam Safe for Humans1.pdf in Adobe Acrobat Format).
This investigator describes, “...(the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks from the European Commission) SCENIHR stated that ‘There is no evidence of a causal relationship between dental amalgam and autism’ and ?... that no link has been yet established between vaccines, thimerosal and autism.’”
The investigator then reports [emphasis added]:
“Nonetheless other authors come to opposite conclusions:
‘...mercury exposure altered cell number and cell division; these impacts have been postulated as modes of action for the observed adverse effects in neuronal development. The potential implications of such observations are evident when evaluated in context with research showing that altered cell proliferation and focal neuropathologic effects have been linked with specific neurobehavioral deficits (e.g., autism).’ [252]
Recent brain pathology studies have revealed elevations in mercury levels and mercury-associated oxidative stress markers in patients diagnosed with autistic disorders. The level of mercury in the urine of autistic children shows an increase of 3-5 times after appropriate treatment with the mercury chelator DMSA compared to healthy children [259]. Autistic children also excrete higher concentrations of coproporphyrine which is specific for mercury intoxication [239,240,260,261]. Detoxification of mercury with DMSA normalizes the abnormal coproporphyrin levels in autistic children [239,240] and led to improvement of symptoms [262]. Additionally, experimental as well as epidemiological studies indicate that mercury exposure is responsible for autism or a deterioration of the disease. Prenatal exposure to maternal amalgam [46,263], maternal thimerosal [46,264] and postnatal sources (mercury from vaccines for the child) together with a genetic sensitivity may trigger autism. In animal experiments vaccination with thimerosal led to symptoms similar to autism265. Epidemiological studies confirm a significant association between low-dose mercury exposure and neurodevelopmental disorders [266][267][268][269][270][271]. Autistic children show decreased levels of the natural mercury chelator glutathione [272]; it is known that mercury is capable of causing this phenomen [273]. In some preliminary therapy studies with chelation therapy led to improvement of symptoms [263]. The Autism Research Institute therefore lists chelation as the most effective therapeutic approach among 88 therapies including 53 medications [274].
Zahir et al. (2005) described that the access of mercury ‘...to man through multiple pathways air, water, food, cosmetic products and even vaccines increase the exposure. Fetuses and infants are more susceptible to mercury toxicity. Mothers consuming diet containing mercury pass the toxicant to fetuses and to infants through breast milk. Decreased performance in the areas of motor function and memory has been reported among children exposed to presumably safe mercury levels [...] Mercury has been found to be a causative agent of various sorts of disorders, including neurological, nephrological, immunological, cardiac, motor, reproductive and even genetic. Recently heavy metal mediated toxicity has been linked to diseases like Alzheimer?s, Parkinson?s, Autism, Lupus, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc.’[275].Some studies which found no associations between mercury exposure and autism have severe methodical flaws [245].”
Once again, this new peer-reviewed study, in yet another peer-reviewed journal, by another well-respected, well-published scientific investigator, raises the question of how many studies will it take for an acknowledgement to be made the so-called experts of a link between Thimerosal (mercury) and autism.
David Geier